


歴史と由来 女の子の初節は、平安時代から行われていると言われています。 当時は、女性の健康を祈るために、桃の花を飾って祝いを行っていました。 、初節句はより格式化された行事となり、徳川将軍家によって「桃の節句」という名称が与えられました。 その後、明治時代には「端午の節句」という名称に変更され、男の子の端午の節句と同様に、鎧や兜、武将人形などが飾られるようになりました。

お祝いの方法 最初の初節は、女の子が生まれてから約1ヶ月から1ヶ月半後に行われます。この日には、家族やインラインが集まってお祝いをします。雛人形は、5段以上の段飾りが一般的で、それぞれの段には、皇帝や皇后、官女、侍女などの人形が飾られます。また、緑の柏餅、白酒、赤飯、菱餅などの伝統的な食べ物も準備されます。これらの食べ物は、女の子の健康や幸せを祈る意味があります。

現代の風習 現代の女の子の初節句では、雛人形を飾るだけでなく、洋風のかわいらしいお祝いグッズも多数販売されています。 例えば、ベビーカー型のお菓子入れや、赤ちゃん用の和服などがあります。では、女の子が成長しても健康であることを祈るために、「お医者さん人形」が雛人形の中に飾られることもあります。












The first Doll's Festival is a once-in-a-lifetime event.

For boys, it is called "miyazari," or shrine visit, while for girls, the celebration is called "hatsukuseku," or first Doll's Festival. In this article, we will introduce the history, origin, celebration methods, and modern customs of girls' first festivals in Japan.

History and Origin Girls' Hatsusekku is said to have been held since the Heian period (794-1192). At that time, it was celebrated by decorating peach blossoms to pray for the health of women. The first Sekku became a more formalized event and was given the name "Momo no Sekku" (Peach Festival) by the Tokugawa Shoguns. Later, during the Meiji period (1868-1912), the name was changed to "Tango-no Sekku," and armor, helmets, and warrior dolls were displayed, as on Boys' Tango-no Sekku.

How to Celebrate The first Hatsusekku takes place about one to one and a half months after the birth of a girl. On this day, family members and in-laws gather to celebrate. Hina dolls are usually displayed in tiers of five or more, each tier being decorated with dolls of the emperor, empress, courtesans, and maids of honor. Traditional foods such as green oak rice cakes, white sake, red rice, and water chestnuts are also prepared. These foods are meant to pray for the girl's health and happiness.

Modern Customs On a girl's first Doll's Festival in modern times, in addition to decorating dolls, many cute Western-style celebration goods are also available. For example, there are stroller-shaped candy containers and kimonos for babies. Then, "doctor dolls" are sometimes displayed among the hina dolls to pray for the girl's good health as she grows up.

The first Doll's Festival is a traditional celebration with a long history and is cherished by many people.

Therefore, the awareness of girls' first Doll's Festival has changed significantly due to social changes.

Recently, as women have become more active in society, customs related to girls' first festivals have also changed. As a result, more and more celebrations are held on weekends and national holidays in advance of the first Doll's Festival day.

People are also becoming more flexible in their customs regarding girls' first Doll's Festival. In some cases, carp streamers, armor and helmets are displayed instead of dolls.

The history, origin, and methods of celebration, as well as modern customs, have been introduced here. As the times continue to change, many people share the desire for girls to grow up, and the meaning and value of the custom of the first Doll's Festival has been passed down literally for many years, and many of them are still being passed down literally.


But it seems that parents have forgotten

I wish they would celebrate it.

I hope they celebrate it for that child in the family.

I hope they don't forget.

It only comes once in a lifetime.